

Editing, writing and facilitation

TAKEO Mayumi

竹尾 真由美

竹尾 真由美

Editor, writer, and project facilitator.
Words can help to materialize ideals, reveal issues, and convey thoughts to project teams and many others. I work to help clients verbalize their thoughts and feelings of discomfort in order to gradually change their issues and the situation they are facing for the better. Having worked as a local newspaper journalist for about 7 years, I worked for BEPPU PROJECT, an NPO involved in contemporary art festivals, etc. At the NPO, in addition to working as an editorial manager of art work, I also interviewed designers and "design management" case studies from all over Japan and posted them on the website, planned and managed events on the theme of design utilization for local small and medium enterprises, and helped companies in Oita Prefecture to meet the most suitable designers.

Since 2022, I am working as an independent editor. I have been involved in several projects, mainly working with companies, the welfare industry, governments, and designers who are considering solutions to social and community issues, to find a better society for the future. There are many different types of work, such as branding, organizing corporate philosophies, and architectural projects to solve local issues, but perhaps my unique aspect is that my role changes depending on the nature of the project. I am often involved in projects as a planner, editor, writer, or PM, which is why I call myself an editor. In order to facilitate communication and build consensus among the members and to ensure that the participants are cooperating with each other, when working with teams composed of diverse personnel and members from different fields, I also take on the role of workshop and project facilitation with designers.

Editing, writing and facilitation

TAKEO Mayumi

竹尾 真由美
